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Let us never forget the founding of this great country! 

At ConexNet, we still believe that the best is yet to come!


At ConexNet, our approach to technology is to be proactive, to prepare for and strive to avoid problems,

not to simply react to them.  


You cannot predict a bad event, but you can be prepared for one and that means having a plan in place and sticking to it. At ConexNet IT consulting agency, we constantly review and test the plans that we have in place for our customers.  We simulate a bad event, roll out our business continuity response and objectively evaluate its effectiveness.  Technology is changing all the time, so if we can make it better, we do!  If anything ever goes wrong, our customers have the peace of mind knowing that we will be there to resolve it!


If you lost your computers for hours, days or even weeks, how would your business survive?  Do you have the necessary processes and equipment in place that are protecting you from the consequences of such an event?  Will your technical support team respond regardless of when the emergency occurs?  


We are fortunate in that we have had many of our customers for many years and some of them since they were one or two person start-ups.  As our customers grew, so did our relationship and our understanding of their businesses, which leads to a trusting, mutually beneficial relationship.  In fact, trust is such an important part of what we do for our customers that we never require them to enter into any sort of long term contract with us.  We still believe that a hand shake and living up to your word is more important than a signed document that few people understand anyway.

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